March 11, 2021
Susanne Greenwood is an Account Handler for PIB’s Halifax branch. She started her career in nurseries but ended up in the insurance world and hasn’t looked back since!
Over to you Susanne…
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I worked in nurseries upon leaving school, and then I started temping at Lloyds (Halifax as it was) in the home insurance department on an evening to fit around my then toddler daughter. I was soon offered a permanent role and went onto work in claims, then the complaints team, then switched sides and went to a brokerage nine years ago. As many of us seem to do, I fell into insurance and haven’t looked back!
What attracted you to PIB as a career destination?
I’d been in my previous role for nine years with a small brokerage. With little chance of progression, I had started to think about looking for something else. I was thrilled to be asked to interview at PIB.
In my new role I’m an Account Handler in the Corporate team, which involves assisting the Account Executives with new business and renewals.
And how is life so far at PIB?
I was very nervous accepting a new role at the beginning of lockdown, especially as I had been in my current role so long. A change was a massive jump with all the uncertainty at the time - but I shouldn’t have been. Despite not being in the office, I’ve been made to feel very welcome by everyone in the company and have had lots of opportunities to speak over MS Teams with everyone and get to know other new starters.
Tell us one interesting fact about yourself?
I have a very busy household, husband, two kids, ten pets (two dogs, two rabbits, a cat and five chickens) we’re also living in a 150 year old farmhouse which we’re (slowly!) renovating.
Biggest achievement?
My biggest personal achievement was climbing Helvellyn. I’m terrified of heights, but it was something my husband had on his ‘bucket list’ so I reluctantly agreed. Despite him making me take the scary route across Striding Edge (google it – it’s like something out of Lord of the Rings!) I made it without too many tears or tantrums.
What is your best piece of careers advice you’ve been given, or you would give?
Challenge your beliefs! Asking for help or listening to a different viewpoint isn’t a failure, it’s an opportunity to learn.
How do you relax outside of work?
Usually as a family we have lots of activities which keep everyone busy - normally with me being a taxi service, but I enjoy walking with my dogs. I also usually go to a few fitness classes a week at the gym, but also enjoyed doing the Joe Wicks workouts and I’ve finally had the time to catch up on all the TV series everyone talks about but I’ve never watched!
Keep your eyes peeled for more spotlight stories from colleagues across all parts of PIB with stories to tell.
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