October 26, 2020
Joanne Cameron joined PIB Group through the acquisition of UKinsuranceNET where she is Auditing Support Administrator To say that Joanne has been busy over the last few months and turned challenges into opportunities head on, as well as celebrating some successes would be an understatement! Over to you Joanne….
Tell us about yourself In the main I have always worked in insurance. When I joined UKinsuranceNET over ten years ago I already knew several of my colleagues as we had previously worked together. I started in the sales department and am now based in the Products & Underwriting Team. It’s not a company where you are a ‘number’. The people I work with are friends and not just colleagues, we all genuinely care about each other and the company itself.
The development opportunities that being part of a large group will bring.
Tell us more about how you’ve been supporting your local community?
We all know that in years to come the current pandemic will probably be taught in history lessons at school! I wanted to look back and say I had done something and made a difference. So, I volunteered for a local group called Darlington Support. They have been assisting people that are vulnerable and shielding, collecting their shopping and prescriptions.
I am part of the Follow Up Call team. We ring people once they’ve had something delivered to check everything is ok, and nothing is missing in their prescriptions for example and to generally chat and check their wellbeing.
What is the connection with your volunteering and your local football club?
As most of my Darlington colleagues will know, I also volunteer for Darlington Football Club as their Match Day Events manager. I introduced the founder of Darlington Support to the football club and they have now formed a partnership, to promote what is going on in our community.None of us had actually met face to face before until we had our first socially distanced event where I was presented with the Mayors award for volunteering to assist the residents during the Covid-19 pandemic.
What are the longer term plans for the support group?
It is something we are going to continue even after things return to normal whenever that may be, as we have identified these struggles will always be there in terms or people relying on foodbanks, and the elderly or vulnerable in flu season. The services offered are expanding all the time, and as an example I recently got involved in tidying up a local cemetery as it hasn’t been maintained very well during the pandemic.
How do you relax outside of work?
Football, be it Darlington FC or my son Jack’s team Hurworth Albion.
One thing most people won’t know about you?
I like to be busy and have a challenge or focus. I have taken a number of online courses that are available to me via my volunteering roles, including courses on Dementia and Autism. And I’m currently part way through a mental health first aid course and have a number of others in the pipeline but I’m just taking them one course at a time.