March 10, 2022
Ashley Grainger is a Development Underwriter for Q Underwriting, which is PIB’s specialist MGA division. Ashley shares what his role entails and as well as a dabble as a professional basketball player.
Tell us a bit about yourself
I’ve been working in insurance since 2003, pretty much straight after leaving college. It wasn’t a profession I had my heart set on at 18 but I’m glad I went for it as I’ve worked with some great people and companies and had loads of fun. I’m passionate about building and maintaining strong relationships with customers, which is why the Development Underwriting role has always suited me so well!
What attracted you to PIB as a career destination?
I’ve worked with PIB a lot over the years and I know the people are great. I also love how much emphasis is put on collaboration across the Group. I was impressed with the vision for Q Underwriting and really wanted to be a key part of realising that.
What does your role entail?
As a Development Underwriter I engage with Q’s broker panel on a regular basis to seek out new business opportunities and convert them. I’ll am responsible (alongside the sales and underwriting teams) for cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with these brokers to make Q Protect the ‘go-to’ market for any individual risks and larger deals, and for providing top tier service along the way.
Tell us one interesting fact about yourself?
When I was in my teens, I played a few games of basketball for the Birmingham Bullets, a National Basketball League team at the time.
What is your best piece of careers advice you’ve been given, or you would give?
Do what you say you’re going to do, when you said you’d do it.
How do you relax outside of work?
I caught the running bug during lockdown which is lucky because I also started getting more creative in the kitchen at the same time – so the two largely offset each other! I also love cycling, playing squash, tennis, badminton, basketball, football – most sports really. I attempt golf with limited success occasionally, and I love to read.
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